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CAMPAIGNSFacilitating technology commercialization and entrepreneurship |
Campaign: Anti-Microbial Resistance
Building entrepreneurship in Anti-Microbial Resistance
This is Venture Centers campaign initiated to facilitate technology development, transfer and entrepreneurship relating to Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR). The aim is to network all stakeholders to help initiate useful projects, start-ups etc in this area.Campaign components include a brainstorming session event and leads to funding opportunities in this area.Campaign Curator: Mugdha Lele Read more
3 Aug 2015
Campaign: Sanitation
Building entrepreneurship relating to Sanitation
This is Venture Center's campaign to facilitate technology development, transfer and entrepreneurship relating to Sanitation issues. The aim is to network all stakeholders to help initiate useful projects and start-ups. This campaign includes a resources page, a brainstorming session, and connects to upcoming funding opportunities.Campaign Curator: Mugdha Lele Read more
3 Aug 2015
Campaign: Energy
Pune Interest Group on Energy Technologies
The Pune Interest Group on Energy Technologies is an initiative of the Venture Center to bring together various people and organizations in Pune with deep professional interest in the area energy technologies and related matters. The purpose of this initiative is to nucleate and nurture innovation and entrepreneurship in the energy sector.Campaign Curator: Soma Chattopadhyay Read more
29 June 2015
Campaign: Medical Electronics
Entrepreneurship relating to medical electronics
This is Venture Centers campaign to facilitate technology development, transfer and entrepreneurship relating to medical electronics. We aim to network all stakeholders to help initiate useful projects, start-ups etc. Campaign components include a resources page, a brainstorming session, and presentation on IIPME (BIRAC and DietY's program on Medical Electronics).Campaign Curator: Pradnya Aradhye Read more
20 June 2015
Campaign: Bioenergy
Energy from biomass
This is a campaign to faciliatate technology development, transfer and entrepreneurship relating to energy from biomass including liquid fuels (biodiesel, bioalcohol, oils etc), gaseous fuels (biohydrogen, biomethane etc) and solid fuels. Campaign components include a resources page, a workshop and a Pune-region network of technologists, industry professionals, investors etc.Campaign Curator: Vandana Mhaske Read more
15 Sep 2013
Campaign: Maternal & Child Health (Project: Vatsala)
Improving mother and infant health
This is a campaign to facilitate technology development, transfer and entrepreneurship relating to maternal and child health. We aim to network all stakeholders to help initiate useful projects, start-ups etc. Campaign components include a resources page, a brainstorming session, presentation by SPARSH (BIRAC's program on MCH).Campaign Curator: Pradnya Aradhye, Vandana Mhaske & Devanshi Patel Read more
1 Sep 2013
Older Campaigns by Venture Center