Venture Center announces series of events under the Campaign on
“Energy Technologies”
5. (11th October 2017) 5th Event of Venture Center’s Campaign on Energy Technologies-Symposium on “Clean Energy: Emerging Technologies“| Workshop outline | Register Here
4. (3rd February 2017) 4th Talk of Venture Center’s Campaign on Energy Technologies-Symposium on “Plastic Waste to Value”. | Register Here
See workshop outline: Here
3. (29 Oct 2015) 3rd Talk of Venture Center’s Campaign on Energy Technologies – Overview of Biofuel Industry – Opportunities and Challenges by Mr. Ghanshyam B. Deshpande President – Center for Innovation and Applied Technology (CIAT) at Praj Matrix, Pune| Register Here
2. (10 Aug 2015) 2nd Talk of Venture Center’s Campaign on Energy Technologies on Overview of Biomass availability and application in India and implications for Biomass based energy|Register Here
1. (13 July 2015) The inaugural talk of the series “Energy sector in India: status, challenges and opportunities” held on 13th July 2015| Event Report