Pune Network

Pune organizations with interest in energy:


Research & tech development organizations ·  CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (link to www.ncl-india.org )
o  Solar
o  Hydrogen energy
o  Biomass based fuels
o  Fossil fuels

·   Agharkar Research Institute (link to www.aripune.org)

·   The School of Energy Studies, University of Pune: http://www.unipune.ac.in/snc/school_of_energy_studies/

·   C-MET (http://cmet.gov.in )


Policy research ·   Prayas Energy group: http://www.prayaspune.org/peg/·   The School of Energy Studies, University of Pune: http://www.unipune.ac.in/snc/school_of_energy_studies/


Advocacy ·   Prayas Energy group: http://www.prayaspune.org/peg/ 
Consultants ·   World Institute of Sustainable Energy(WISE): www.wisein.org 
Large industry ·   Thermax (http://www.thermaxglobal.com )·   Suzlon (http://www.suzlon.com)

·   Praj (http://www.praj.net)

·   Kalyani Group/ Bharat Forge (http://bharatforge.com)

·   DSM (http://www.dsm.com)

·   KPIT (http://www.kpit.com)

.   Mahindra (http://www.mahindra.com/What-We-Do/Energy/Companies/Mahindra-Susten)

.    Johnson Matthey (http://www.jmindia.co.in/)


Startup companies ·    First Energy Pvt Ltd·    Gram Oorja Solutions Pvt Ltd

·    ShashwatOorja Pvt Ltd

·    NobleExchange Environment Solutions Pvt Ltd

.    Ecozen Solutions

.    Bottom of Pyramid Energy and Environmental Innovations Pvt. Ltd


NGOs ·    ARTI  (http://www.arti-india.org )
Incubators ·    Venture Center (www.venturecenter.co.in).    Indian Angel Network Incubator for CleanTtech Startups


Investors ·     Infuse Ventures (http://www.infuseventures.in )
Industry associations ·     Cogeneration Association of India http://www.cogenindia.org/·     Indian Wind Energy Association

·     Maharashtra Solar Manufacturers Association www.masma.in/


Government agencies ·     Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (http://www.mahaurja.com)