Problem Mapping – An Approach to Social Startups

About the Speaker: Prof. Satyajit Majumdar is Professor and Chairperson of the Center for Social Entrepreneurship of the School of Management and Labour Studies at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India. He teaches, among others, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, strategic human resources management, growth and technology strategy and corporate social responsibility. He also acts as a consultant and corporate trainer in these fields and mentors entrepreneurs and start-up organizations. He has been actively engaged in expert groups at national and international levels to provide guidance in academic program design and implementation. In 2009, he was conferred Galpin International Research Fellowship by the Quinnipiac University, USA. Prof. Majumdar has many research papers and award winning case studies to his credit, published in national and international journals and edited volumes. His research interest area are ‘growth strategy in entrepreneur managed small and medium business organization’ and strategic CSR [1].

The lecture was delivered on 22nd July 2017 at Venture Center as a part of Social Innovation Lecture Series in association with Villgow.

Problem Mapping

The concept of problem mapping is a challenge. Enterprise creation is not linear and may not be based on a great idea or a great solution. Entrepreneurs as individuals solve problems and there are two ways of approaching it:

1. Solution exists and there is a need for problem analysis

2. Problem exists and there is a need to find solution or ideas to solve it

In the latter case, the approach could open a gateway to new possibilities/opportunities and there is a need for problem mapping. This approach without having a solution bias could be collaborative or multidimensional.

Dimensions of Problem Mapping


Problem mapping is a process of questioning the problem without the bias of any possible solution. It could be multidimensional relating to social, economic, political etc. and the churning of ideas in these domains can influence the problem. An entrepreneur defines the problem according and modifies the system and rules to make it favourable to themselves.  When they sell a problem, the product starts selling automatically. During this process, they need to engage with other stakeholders and can create conflict situations. Entrepreneurs manage these risks and facilitate conflict resolution. The result turns out to be a sub optimal solution which is agreeable by all stakeholders. The solutions should aim to create sustainable value – social, economic etc. Often, the technology for solving a particular problem might not be the best or cutting edge and can again influence the problem-solving approach.



Entrepreneurship is a method to solve a problem which is based on principles and processes. Firstly, they need to identify why they are solving the problem? It could be based on aspirations or emotions. It’s this self-motivation which drives them through this process. Secondly, they need to establish the case for the enterprise. This includes problem mapping, identifying the gaps, justifying the solutions and the innovation behind it. The last stage is to establish a model. Creating a value proposition is the foremost step as it will influence the stakeholders. The model also includes scalability, financial implications and market assessment.

In this complex process, it’s the entrepreneur which plays a role of a chief architect and navigates through the decision making process. They look for acceptable solutions, creating value for different domains and improvise through their learnings.

About the Author: Shubham Singh is presently working as the BIRAC Social Innovator at Venture Center, Pune.



Know your Intellectual Property Rights

About the Speaker: Roshan Yedery develops and serves as team manager and leader for Innovation Management activities & programs for Venture Center including IPFACE. He has 6 years of work experience in IP management and commercialization and is a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from National Institute of Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai. Additionally, he has certificate courses in Technology Transfer, Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, NIH, Bethesda, U.S.A and in Research Commercialization, National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer, Washington DC, U.S.A.


Intellectual Property rights

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copy right and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish [1].

Types of IP


Types of IP Rights

1.  Patents:

A patent in the law is a property right and hence, can be gifted, inherited, assigned, sold or licensed. The patent right is territorial in nature and inventors/their assignees will have to file separate patent applications in countries of their interest, along with necessary fees, for obtaining patents in those countries [2].

2. Trademarks

Popularly known as brand name in layman’s language, is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from a different undertaking [3].

3. Designs

Design means the features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament or composition of lines or colour or combination thereof applied to any article whether two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined [4].

4. Copyrights

Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. It is a bundle of rights including, interalia, rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation, and translation of the work [5].

5. Geographical Indications

A geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin [6].

6. Plant Varieties

To accelerate agricultural development, it is necessary to protect plants breeders’ rights to stimulate investment for research and development for the development of new plant varieties. Simultaneously, it is helpful for the seed industry to ensure availability of high quality of seeds to the farmers [7].

About the Author: Shubham Singh is presently working as the BIRAC Social Innovator at Venture Center, Pune.












Visit to Noble Exchange plant at Talegaon

About Noble Exchange: 

NEX is a provider of integrated environmental solutions with a mission to minimize the environmental impact of human activity through managing waste from collection to disposal while recovering valuable resources and creating clean and renewable energy. NEX specializes in the processing of “Organic Food Waste” with cutting edge Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology to generate bio gas rich in methane and CO2, which will be compressed and commercialized to replace fossil fuel. They have developed a proprietary one-box biogas technology [1].

“We try to bridge the gap between green intent and green action”

– Nuriel Pezarkar, Founder & CEO


Noble Exchange plant. Source:

At current estimates, over 1700 tonnes of waste is generated in the city of Pune of which 52-55% is wet waste in nature.This wet waste removal is expected to result in 542 tonnes of carbon emission saved [2].  Food waste at source aids in effective segregation and recycling of other wastes such as paper, plastic, metal etc. This also leads to the reduction in heaps of garbage mountains and the land can be used for productive purposes. Further untreated disposal of food waste can have series of social, environmental and health hazard consequences. It can result in the emission of green house gases, mixing with ground water, spreading of diseases due to the breeding of mosquitoes, bacteria, and viruses.


“300 tonnes per day food waste to Bio gas plant set up by NobleExchange at Pune is not only state of the art technology but exceeds world class in planning, design, and execution”

– Mr. Ramakrishna Y B, Chairman,

Working Group on Biofuels, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas





The food waste is segregated by PMC which is then sent to NobleExchange plant at Talegaon for further processing. The organic matter is broken down by bacteria under anaerobic conditions. During this process, methane is released which is sent to a membrane separation process where CO2 is separated, resulting in 96 % purity of methane. This gas is also known as compressed biogas (CBG) which can be used as an alternative fuel for natural gas vehicle or replace other fossil fuels such as LPG, CNG etc. The other product produced by NobleExchange is Organic Manure which they give away to the farmers for free.

NobleExchange comes up with an innovative solution to process the food waste and is a testimony of a make in India story with their world’s largest capacity food waste processing plant.

About the Author: Shubham Singh is presently working as the BIRAC Social Innovator at Venture Center, Pune.





About ProWaste: 

Pro Waste Concepts Pvt. Ltd., is a for-profit social enterprise founded in 2013 which aims to address the critical issue of waste management. It proposes a holistic approach towards a decentralized smart integrated solid waste management system which is eco- friendly, financially viable and sustainable. Implementation of solid waste management requires a robust infrastructure, which involves segregation at source, reduction, collection, safe treatment, recycling and disposal of all categories of waste  (Source:

SIIP Team with Mrs. Nupur Tandon, Founder ProWaste


Nupur who earlier worked in French Embassy wanted to bring a change in the society and started looking into waste management in 2010 when she came to Bangalore. She initially started with volunteering and decided to start her own venture in 2013.

At present, her clients are educational institutes like JNCASR, IIT Gandhinagar etc. Her company gives consulting advice on effective waste management, waste segregation, creating standard operating procedures, creating zero waste zones, conducting waste audits and waste awareness & training programmes. ProWaste handles all types of wastes including biomedical and E-waste. They have tie-ups with recyclers, and service providers which ensure that the waste generated is handled safely from source to end.

She says, ” Waste is not to be thrown but to given”.

About the Author: Shubham Singh is presently working as the BIRAC Social Innovator at Venture Center, Pune.

IISc Banglore and Kunigal Visit

We started our immersion from Bangalore. We took evening bus and reached Bangalore on 11th July 2017 in morning. After reaching Bangalore we directly went to India Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. There we met Mr. H. I. Somashekhar who is Technical Officer at Application of Science and Technology for Rural Areas (ASTRA)/ Centre for Sustainable Technologies, IISc Bangalore.

The Centre for Sustainable Technologies (CST) established as Centre for ASTRA (Application of Science and Technology for Rural Areas) in 1974, is IISc’s inter-disciplinary research and technology development centre for providing sustainable solutions to host of global concerns, primarily dealing with energy, buildings and environment. The Centre’s focus is on promoting Sustainable Technologies tailored to suit local conditions of resource availability and habitation.

Successful examples of CST’s diverse interventions are, Energy Efficient Wood Burning Devices, Biomethanation, Biomass Gasification, Alternative Building Technologies, Green Buildings and BiPV, Water Purification and Defluoridation, Sanitation, Sustainable Biomass for Energy, Forestry, Bioenergy & Climate Change, and Environmental Quality Assurance-Impact Studies.

He shared his insights on sanitation, waste management and waste to value. He told us about Rammed Earth Model of toilets which they developed in IISc. In rammed earth model they use moulds for rapid construction of sanitation facilities.

After meeting with Mr. H.I. Somashekhar, we visited Kunigal to see rammed earth sanitation facilities. Most of the toilets are in good condition but we saw some toilets are being used as store room by the villagers. We also interacted with villagers and some primary school kids and teachers.

Author – Pramod Bhurji, BIRAC SIIP Fellow at Venture Center, Pune