About Noble Exchange:
NEX is a provider of integrated environmental solutions with a mission to minimize the environmental impact of human activity through managing waste from collection to disposal while recovering valuable resources and creating clean and renewable energy. NEX specializes in the processing of “Organic Food Waste” with cutting edge Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology to generate bio gas rich in methane and CO2, which will be compressed and commercialized to replace fossil fuel. They have developed a proprietary one-box biogas technology [1].
“We try to bridge the gap between green intent and green action”
– Nuriel Pezarkar, Founder & CEO

At current estimates, over 1700 tonnes of waste is generated in the city of Pune of which 52-55% is wet waste in nature.This wet waste removal is expected to result in 542 tonnes of carbon emission saved [2]. Food waste at source aids in effective segregation and recycling of other wastes such as paper, plastic, metal etc. This also leads to the reduction in heaps of garbage mountains and the land can be used for productive purposes. Further untreated disposal of food waste can have series of social, environmental and health hazard consequences. It can result in the emission of green house gases, mixing with ground water, spreading of diseases due to the breeding of mosquitoes, bacteria, and viruses.
“300 tonnes per day food waste to Bio gas plant set up by NobleExchange at Pune is not only state of the art technology but exceeds world class in planning, design, and execution”
– Mr. Ramakrishna Y B, Chairman,
Working Group on Biofuels, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

The food waste is segregated by PMC which is then sent to NobleExchange plant at Talegaon for further processing. The organic matter is broken down by bacteria under anaerobic conditions. During this process, methane is released which is sent to a membrane separation process where CO2 is separated, resulting in 96 % purity of methane. This gas is also known as compressed biogas (CBG) which can be used as an alternative fuel for natural gas vehicle or replace other fossil fuels such as LPG, CNG etc. The other product produced by NobleExchange is Organic Manure which they give away to the farmers for free.
NobleExchange comes up with an innovative solution to process the food waste and is a testimony of a make in India story with their world’s largest capacity food waste processing plant.
About the Author: Shubham Singh is presently working as the BIRAC Social Innovator at Venture Center, Pune.
[1] http://startups.venturecenter.co.in/2015/08/31/nobleexchange-solutions-pvt-ltd/
[2] http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/adar-poonawalla-sets-up-rs-100-cr-fund-to-aid-waste-removal-116010700704_1.html