Venture center's war against covid19
As the COVID19 Coronavirus situation is becoming challenging day-by-day worldwide, we at Venture Center, India's leading inventive enterprises incubator, are helping entrepreneurs build technologies to fight this global pandemic.
Read a detailed report about our activities.
Read article submitted to MCCIA Sampada Magazine

Target of 1 Lakh+ Face Shields Achieved.
Venture Center has achieved its target of 1 Lakh+ Face Shields. Thank you for all the support in terms of donations and efforts.
Venture Center's Startups Against COVID19.
25 Startups at Venture Center have lined up to fight against COVID19. These startups function in a plethora of domains such as Diagnostics, Peripheral Medical Devices, PPEs & Assistive Devices, Sterilizers & Disinfectants, Digital Technology & Informatics.

Donate for Face Shields!
Venture Center is accepting donations for our Face Shields Project. Donate Now!
Venture Center selected as Satellite Partner for CAWACH Program by DST.
Given the impact of COVID-19 globally and in India, the need of the hour is to support R&D efforts in this direction and end any further damage to the economy. Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India is supporting innovations offering comprehensive solutions for through the startup-ecosystem.
The Centre for Augmenting WAR with COVID-19 Health Crisis (CAWACH) is an initiative by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
Venture Center has been selected as the
Satellite Partner.

COVID 19 Resource Center for Regulations & Test Standards
COVID 19 Resource Center at RIFC provides entrepreneurs and innovators with a list of selected regulations, guidance notes and test standards relevant to products needed urgently for the national response to the COVID19 crisis. Have a look at our Resource Center at RIFC. is a Technology Transfer Hub operated by Venture Center, Pune, India and supported by the National Biopharma Mission (Govt of India). It aims to help technology developers and technology commercialisation entities find each others, forge partnerships and advance the technology closer to the market in a win-win partnership. (Tech Transfer Hub) in Pune shall be happy to facilitate (on a pro bono basis) Technology Transfer between Technology Providers and Seekers for Technologies that can be deployed rapidly by manufacturers to assist in the National Campaign against COVID19.

Do it Yourself the Protoshop way!
The Venture Center's Protoshop Team is happy to announce and make available the following open source projects relevant for COVID19 response.
DIY - IR Thermometer
Alcohol-based Handrubs
Open source Ventilators

IBPL, Pune's generous CSR support helps Venture Center and BMek make and deliver infrared digital thermometers.
The International Biotech Park Limited (IBPL), Pune's generous support to Venture Center under CSR (just a couple weeks before the lockdown) helped Venture Center support BMek in designing a simple to use non-contact digital thermo-meter on short notice, make available the know-how free of cost (open source) online for anybody to make it, to make some pieces for the local police and non-profits, and also plan inventory to make 100 more in the coming weeks ! Thanks to IBPL.

Venture Center supports MyLab
Venture Center is happy to help MyLab in providing advise and access to CSR funds to rapidly scale their operations to meet the National need in this moment of crisis. Venture Center team stands behind them!!

BRBC'S YouTube Channel
Make Most of this #quarantine time by revisiting BRBC's Youtube channel :
BIRAC Regional Bioinnovation Center (BRBC) is a joint initiative of BIRAC and Venture Center, Pune. BRBC aims to fill up some key innovation ecosystem gaps for biotech/biomed startups. Through its diverse initiatives, BRBC aims to significantly impact the translation of high quality innovative ideas across diverse ecosystems into viable and sustainable business enterprises.
We request you all to subscribe to BRBC YouTube channel also forward this link to your friends & family who would benefit from BRBC initiatives.

Call for Proposals:
Special Drive for COVID19
Under the aegis of DST-NSTEDB and NITI Aayog, Venture Center is inviting proposal from startups and entrepreneurs with technology which are relevant to COVID-19 and can be deployed within the next few months for financial support to expedite validation, testing and its commercial deployment through the following programs.
a. NIDHI PRAYAS (grant funding up to Rs 10 Lakhs
b. NIDHI COVID-19 Seed Support System (Equity investment)
c. Recommendation to TDB (Soft Loan)
The call closes on 25th March 2020 at 12 PM (IST).

Pune Face Shield Action Group
Venture Center's Tinkering Lab and Venture Center Incubatee Startups have come up with novel, easy to assemble Face Shields for the protection of Front Line Health Care Workers from Corona virus infection.

The Principal Scientific Advisor to the GoI, Dr K VijayRaghavan, has constituted a S&T Core Group on COVID19.
Under the aegis of the S&T Core Group on COVID19, a Task Force has been constituted focused on Repurposing of Drugs for COVID19 (in short “TFORD-COVID19“)
The Task Force is being coordinated by:
Dr V Premnath, Head, NCL Innovations at CSIR-NCL and Director, Venture Center
Dr Anurag Agarwal, Director, CSIR-IGIB
The Nerve Center for the Coordination will be at Venture Center, Pune (located in the campus of CSIR-NCL).

venture center efforts recognized by media

want to Know more about us ?
To know more about Venture Center and its offerings, visit our website.