Program objectives
- To make EMVÓLIO units available to health care organisation working in remote areas and low resource settings.
- To help the health care workers catering interior communities from point of view of offering immunization services, for sample collection or for providing medications which are temperature sensitive.
To save the immunization doses and other biologicals that go waste due to disrupted cold chains in remote resource poor settings
The health care organizations eligible to apply
- Government – Sub center/PHC/Community Health Center
- Non Governmental Organizations and Section 8 not-for-profit companies registered as Society/Trust or equivalents and working in remote villages, low resource communities for upliftment of health care systems.
The health care organization not eligible
- Private hospitals or health care organizations
- Individuals
Monitoring and reporting
- The trainers from Black frog technologies will train 5 health care workers of selected organization.
- Venture Center will monitor the utility of the units donated twice a year via a self-reporting platform.
- The person from selected organization designated for the project will be responsible for providing the data in prescribed format.
- Regular visits by monitoring team from Venture Center will also be conducted in coordination with the selected organization for the purpose of monitoring