Nature of projects supported
Theme / Focus Areas of Grant program
- Innovative Polymers & soft materials based products
- Solutions for polymeric waste management & value addition
- Circular Economy & Sustainability with regards to materials
Eligibility criteria
- The project needs to define a technology or knowledge intensive solution to a well-defined problem as per the above mentioned theme / focus areas
- The technology should be innovative/ novel.
- Project should be focused on building prototype / prototype validation / implementing a technology / conducting pilot studies.
- Every project proposal will need to identify a Project Leader and an Applicant/ Grantee.
- The Project Leader (PL) will be an individual who will take responsibility for executing the project.
- The Applicant or Grantee can be either of the following:
- Case 1: Applicant is an individual
- Case 2: Applicant is a company
- PL has to be an individual (one person).
- PL is required to be at least 18 years of age as on the date of call for applications.
- PL is required to be Indian Citizen. An Indian citizen is defined as one who is in possession of a government approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc. Exceptional cases of foreign nationals with potential for impact in India will be considered.
- PL has to pursue the project or startup full time with no other concurrent commitments during the project duration.
- PL cannot be pursuing a long-term academic/research project (like doctoral students) with significant obligations during the project duration.
- PL must have completed basic undergraduate training in natural sciences/engineering/ medicine. Essential qualification is PhD/ MTech/ BTech/ BPharm /MD/ MBBS/ BDS/ MSc / MPhil/ M Des/ MPH /MBA / MSW and equivalents, with under‐ graduate training in Science, Medicine, Engineering. Applicants with a BSc degree with at least 1 year of full-time work or research experience shall also be eligible
- If Applicant is a company, the Company / LLP should be registered under the relevant acts in India.
- The company should be owned by resident Indian citizens i.e. minimum 51% of the capital is beneficially owned by resident Indian citizen(s) and / or Indian companies, which are ultimately owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens
Not Eligible
- Pure software development with no IP potential
- Ideas or concepts/exploratory research ideas that have not been proven and projects with no element of novelty
- Proposals without preliminary data and technology commercialization objectives
- Projects with no plan towards saleable (implementable) technology/ products/services
- Funding cannot be used to support PhD student research or any other academic research. The grant is not a research fellowship.