If you need Face Shields for your organisation or you wish to request for somebody else at the frontline of the war against COVID19, please fill up this  form .

Please note:

  • We do not sell face shields. We donate them. Whether you can afford it or not, we will try and provide them to you!
  • Your request will be added to our production and delivery queue. A member of the Pune Face Shield Action Group will get in touch with you soon. If you do not hear from somebody within 24 hours, please call the number in the Contact page.
  • The Pune Face Shield Action Group prioritises requests based on need, urgency, priority sectors, availability etc. Institutional requests are given priority. Government related entities are prioritised ahead.
  • Fulfilment of submitted requests is subject to a) funds available and b) manufacturing schedule.
  • We raise money for the face shields separately from anybody who can donate funds.
  • If you are requesting N number of Face Shields and can afford to pay for them, we recommend that you make a donation of 50 X N Rs. That means that if you are requesting 1000 Face Shields, please consider making a donation of Rs 50,000. (Our cost of production is around Rs 25 per Face Shield but your donation at Rs 50 per Face Shield will help us provide Face Shields to many others who cannot afford it or do not have mechanisms to pay.) You will find more information on how to donate here. Donations receive tax benefits. We thank you for your funding support. We will acknowledge your generous funding support here.