Immersive Talks with W2V Experts (10 Sept – 27 Nov 2020) | 12 Talks by 12 Experts



    •  (10 Sept 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Insights: Plastic recycling landscape in India by Dr. Magesh Nandagopal (Scientist, CSIR-NCL) | Presentation | Photos | Feedback  
    • (17 Sept 2020) (6.15 – 7.15 pm) | Renewable Chemicals and Materials : The Nature Reimagined by Dr. Pramod Kumbhar (President and Chief Technology Officer, Praj Industries Ltd) | Presentation | Photos | Feedback | Session Recording
    • (24 Sept 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Overview of bioprocess engineering technologies in reducing waste and creating value by Dr. Sandeep Kale (Managing Director, QbD Purples Advanced Technologies) | PresentationPhotos Feedback  |  Session Recording 


    • (1 Oct 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Overview of Biomass to valuable chemicals by Dr. Paresh Dhepe (Scientist, CSIR-NCL) | Presentation |  PhotosFeedback  |  Session Recording


    • (8 Oct 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Conversion of cellulosic biomass to valuable materials by Dr. S. Kadhiravan (Scientist, CSIR-NCL) | Presentation | Photos  |  Feedback  |  Session Recording  
    • (15 Oct 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Technologies and problems in converting Organic Solid Wastes to Biomethane and Biohydrogen by Dr. Dilip Ranade (Consultant, MCC-NCCS) | Presentation |  PhotosFeedback  |  Session Recording 
    • (22 Oct 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Role of fungi in the development of value-added products by Dr. Rohit Sharma (Scientist, NCCS-NCMR) | PresentationPhotosFeedback  |  Session Recording 
    • (29 Oct 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Innovative technologies for renewable monomers from waste by Dr. Prakash Wadgaonkar (Emeritus Scientist, CSIR-NCL) | PresentationPhotoFeedback  |  Session Recording 


    • (12 Nov 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Insights into marine waste to value added products by Dr. Pazhanimuthu Annamalai (Aurabiotech Pvt Ltd, Chennai) | Presentation  |  Photos  | Feedback   |   Session Recording 
    • (19 Nov 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Technologies for the Utilization of Animal and Tannery By-products by Dr. Balaraman Madhan ( Scientist, CSIR-CLRI) | Presentation  |  Photos   |  Feedback   |  Session Recording
    • (26 Nov 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Overview of innovations in secondary agriculture  and food/ agro processing / Jaggery as a product by Dr. Vishal Sardespande (CTARA-IITB and Sarvaay Solutions LLP) | Presentation  |  Photos   | Feedback    |  Session Recording 
    • (27 Nov 2020) (4 – 5 pm) | Biomass to Biofuels – Biomobility Platform by Mr. Ghanshyam Deshpande (President – Technology and Engineering, Praj Industries Ltd) | Presentation   |  Photos   | Feedback   |   Session Recording