Social Innovation Immersion Programme (SIIP) is a programme conceptualized by the Biotech Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Government of India under its SPARSH (Social Innovation Programme for Products: Affordable & Relevant to Societal Health) scheme. SIIP is a fellowship scheme under SPARSH which intends to create a pool of social innovators in the biotech/biomed and related disciplines who can identify specific needs and gaps in healthcare of different communities which can then be bridged and serviced through innovative product development and services. The initial focus shall be on Maternal and Child Health.
Under the SIIP programme, BIRAC has identified a few centers nation-wide for implementation of the programme. Venture Center in Pune is one of those centers

Venture Center is a technology business incubator specializing in technology startups offering products and services exploiting scientific expertise in the areas of materials, chemicals and biological sciences & engineering. The Venture Center is also home to a BIRAC BioIncubator. The Venture Center is the trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center, a not-for-profit company hosted by the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. Venture Center is a technology business incubator approved by DST-NSTEDB (Government of India) and supported by BIRAC.