Maternal & Child Health

Improving mother and infant health


Child Health

Maternal Health

Genetic Anomalies




VC Curators

Status Report


Campaign: Improve maternal health

Goal 5 of the UNs Millennium Development Goals is to REDUCE MATERNAL MORTALITY and IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH (Ref: UN MDG-5)

Target 5A: Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio. (Reduce urban – rural/ developing – developed nations’ gap)

Target 5B: Achieve universal access to reproductive health (Antinatal care, family planning)

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Some facts:

  1. India has the largest number of births per year (27 million) in the world. Hence, India’s progress in reducing maternal deaths is crucial to the global achievement of MDG 5. India has a target of reducing maternal deaths to 109 by 2015. (Ref: WHO)
  2. However India, in spite of the economic progress the situation is grim. One woman dies during child birth every eight minutes (19% of global maternal deaths) and thus the nation has a long way to go before the UN target is achieved. (Ref: Huffington Post)

Source: Special bulletin on maternal mortality in India 2007 – 2009, Sample registration system, Office of registrar general, India. 2011
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Major direct causes of maternal mortality

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Major barriers to reproductive health

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Scope of inclusive and equitable innovations are needed along with awareness and sensitization over the maternal health issue in India (Priority areas identified by Venture Center's Campaign Curator)

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