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Application process

TePP Phase I: Micro Technopreneurship Support (TS) and TePP Project Fund (TPF) Scheme:

 Details/Steps in the application process
Step 1Innovator approaches TUC for a meeting; TUC coordinator meets innovator discusses, makes suggestions
Step 2Innovator submits online proposal to TUC through the VC-TePP site
Step 3TUC refines the shortlisted proposals, and helps innovator write a strong proposal
Step 4Proposal sent to technology experts (1 external expert in the case of the Micro-TePP(TS) scheme, 1 internal and 1 external subject-area expert in the case of other schemes
Step 5Tech expert reverts with evaluation/comments. TUC team (a core team of 3 or so) reviews the evaluated proposals, seeks extra comments from the tech experts if required, and in some cases even asks for the opinion of a third tech expert, if the first two experts disagree. If the TUC core team is convinced, the proposal is forwarded (with the required recommendation form, duly filled) to the DSIR officers, who take it from there.
Step 6DSIR officials, based on the case, may seek additional expert opinions on the proposal, review it and send it to the TSC
Step 7TSC reviews the proposals, asks for clarifications, and if required suggests some more tech experts to evaluate the proposal; and if evaluations are positive, and proposal fits the criteria, approves funding
Step 8TSC sends its meeting minutes to the TSC - from which the TSC would have to intimate the innovators if their respective projects have been funded or not.
Step 9TSC would release the funds directly to the innovators
Step 10A Project Monitoring Committee (of 4 or so members) is formed with the core TUC team, external experts, and one DSIR nominated officer - this committee monitors the progress of the project, holds review meetings, and recommends for second and third installments of funds (in case there are installments). This committee also send the closure report to DSIR.
Abbreviations:DSIR - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
TePP - Technopreneur Promotion Program
TUC - TePP Outreach Center
TSC - TePP Screening Committee (high-level committee appointed by DSIR/TePP administrators which makes the final funding decisions)
TMC - TUC Monitoring Committee (this is a local/TUC level committee)
VC - Venture Center

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