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PRISM schemes
Application process
PRISM Policy
Making a stronger case
Tips for good proposals
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Making a stronger case
Applications for TePP fund will be reviewed based on criteria such as (but not limited to):
- How credible is the technology? (Is PoC credible in the opinion of subject-matter experts?)
- Is the proposed idea innovative?
- Is the proposed technology idea novel (has someone else tried the same idea earlier, in India)?
- Is amount of funding requested enough to reach critical milestone?
- Does the concept/idea have potential applications?
- Are target customers clearly identified?
Some eligibility criteria
- The applicant should be a citizen of India
- The applicant should be an individual innovator - which means, if (s)he is associated with a firm/institution, then (s)he should get a no-objection certificate from that firm/institution.
- If the innovator has a start-up, the annual turnover of the startup should be less than Rs. 45 lakhs.
- Student innovators working in teams, should identify a principal/lead innovator who should be the applicant for TePP funding (and the funds will be released to this applicant).
For making a stronger case, we suggest you consider all the above questions and address all of these issues in your proposal.
Some typical reasons why TePP proposals are rejected - these are some pitfalls innovators should avoid
- Proposal not innovative enough
- Innovator doesn't have domain expertise/knowledge in the proposed area
- Patent application for the said idea belongs to someone other than the applicant
- Deliverables/outcome of the idea and workability not clear
- Techno-economically not feasible
- Innovation merit of the proposal not clear
- Practically not feasible with the projected cost
- Technically not feasible
- Practically not feasible