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About Us
The Entrepreneurship Development Center ('Venture Center') recently received approval under the scheme "Technology Refinement and Marketing Programme (TREMAP)" of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) to serve as a Technology Commercialization Facilitator (TCF).
TREMAP is a unique program which is designed for supporting the country's innovation pool by pushing the innovative technologies from the prototype stage towards a viable commercial product through a network of Technology Commercialization Facilitators (TCFs). The programme provides opportunities for an early assessment of innovative technologies from innovators both individual & institutional (public / private sector organizations) by identifying their market potential and provides the required support (marketing, operational and financial support) towards commercialization.
For any further information, please email: tremap@venturecenter.co.in
Team and Advisors
We have an experienced team which will guide you and assist you in applying for the TREMAP funding. More information on the team and advisors can be found here
Available knowhow New
Events/ Announcements
- ( 25 Jan 2014 )Fourth Meeting of "Pune Inventors Network"
- (24th Jan 2014) TREMAP awareness talk at ICT-Mumbai
- (21st Jan 2014) TREMAP awareness talk at VSBT, Baramati